Imagine that you’re making a video about how to declutter a closet. In the video you show the closet beforehand, you explain what you’re going to do and how you’ll do it, and then you have a montage of video clips of you working while music plays. … [Continue reading] about Do Your Videos Make this Audio Mistake?
Plug-In Profit Site Blog
How to Gain a Big Audience for Your Blog
Plenty of bloggers like to write about their thoughts, their day or the crazy thing that happened to them on the way to the zoo. But this type of blogging is generally more for fun than for profit. To make significant money with your blog, you’ll … [Continue reading] about How to Gain a Big Audience for Your Blog
Can You Really Earn $5,000+ Per Month Selling Older Affiliate Products This Way?
In the online marketing world, programs typically are promoted hard for a few days or weeks once they launch. After that, marketers and affiliates alike tend to move on to the next hot thing. This opens up a huge opportunity for anyone willing to do … [Continue reading] about Can You Really Earn $5,000+ Per Month Selling Older Affiliate Products This Way?
Is This Weird Psychological Phenomena Keeping You Broke?
Let me ask you a question... “As an online marketer, how much should you earn?” It’s like asking how long a piece of string is. But here’s the rub: When I asked that question, I’ll bet you had an answer. And I’ll also bet that answer isn’t all that … [Continue reading] about Is This Weird Psychological Phenomena Keeping You Broke?
Double Your Income with Just One Email?
Here’s a quick case study that could potentially double your email profits. This marketer sends out an email to his list 5 or 6 days a week. These emails have news, information and one offer. But on the seventh day, he does something completely … [Continue reading] about Double Your Income with Just One Email?