If you were a college student who never stopped attending school full time... how much would you earn. Likely nothing. You’re too busy learning to earn. When does a college student start making money? When they leave school (graduating or not, … [Continue reading] about Do Before Learning? The Six-Figure Hack
Plug-In Profit Site Blog
If You Can’t Control It, Just Observe It
There are a lot of things in life and in your business that you can’t control. You can’t control what other people do. Or what they don’t do. You can’t control what regulations come down the pike. Or what happens to the economy. Or who or what … [Continue reading] about If You Can’t Control It, Just Observe It
Bloggers: Readers LOVE Your Mistakes…
(So give them what they want)!! Your readers probably enjoy hearing about your latest exploits and victories. They like to hear how you made $10K in a day, especially if you give them all the details so they can try and duplicate your success. But … [Continue reading] about Bloggers: Readers LOVE Your Mistakes…
Super Simple Blog Monetization Method that is Earning an Extra $2,000 Per Month
There is a young lady in the Internet marketing niche who has 3 separate IM type blogs. And without revealing too much (we don’t want to create direct competition for her) here are the methods she’s tried and the ones that worked in monetizing those … [Continue reading] about Super Simple Blog Monetization Method that is Earning an Extra $2,000 Per Month
Why Your Best Products Aren’t Selling (And What You Need to Do Now to Change This)
You drive by a restaurant and it doesn’t look like it’s been painted in a decade. The flowerbeds are full of weeds, the sign is dirty, the parking lot is full of trash... do you stop in and have lunch? Probably not, but why not? What does outside … [Continue reading] about Why Your Best Products Aren’t Selling (And What You Need to Do Now to Change This)