Once an online marketer gets to a certain income level, that marketer almost invariably gets stuck. They can't seem to make any more money, even when they pour more and more of their time into their business. Why? Because they are working IN their … [Continue reading] about How to Get Your Business Unstuck FAST
Plug-In Profit Site Blog
How to Quit Your Job Now, Even if Your Internet Marketing Biz is Still Part-Time
The easiest way to go full time is to BE full time. That is, quit your daytime go-to-work type job and begin working full time online. When you're full time online you'll discover opportunities that otherwise would have passed you by. And you'll be … [Continue reading] about How to Quit Your Job Now, Even if Your Internet Marketing Biz is Still Part-Time
Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time Online
What a great daydream this is: You make a ton of money online and then go tell your boss to 'have a nice day.' This is the scenario you see in sales letters all the time. “Buy this product, put it to work and next week you can kiss your job goodbye, … [Continue reading] about Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time Online
How an Anti-Booze Campaign from the 20s Can Increase Your Sales and Income Today
Weird but true... In the early part of the 20th century there was a massive campaign in the U.S. to abolish alcohol. Weirder still, this campaign actually won the day, and Prohibition became the 18th amendment. This made the U.S. a dry country in … [Continue reading] about How an Anti-Booze Campaign from the 20s Can Increase Your Sales and Income Today
Video Marketers: 15 Tips for Going VIRAL
Since you're making videos anyway, why not shoot for the zenith of online video marketing and go for viral? While you can never totally predict what will go viral and what won't, there are some tricks to make it much more likely your video is the one … [Continue reading] about Video Marketers: 15 Tips for Going VIRAL