Six years after starting a blog called the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington sold the website for 315 million dollars. But 3 years before the deal was done, Arianna shared her secrets to creating a successful blog at the MarketingProfs event. … [Continue reading] about 3 Secrets from a $315 Million Dollar Blog
Plug-In Profit Site Blog
News Jacking
How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story And Generate Tons of Media Coverage There's a book out with the above title, and I highly recommend you grab a copy. It's only available as a digital download and it's less than 6 bucks at … [Continue reading] about News Jacking
Forget Multitasking and Start Doing One Thing Really Well
Yes, you can sing while taking a shower, and you can listen to music while walking and planning your day. But when it comes to the really important stuff, forget multitasking because it's costing you time and money. Let's say you're answering … [Continue reading] about Forget Multitasking and Start Doing One Thing Really Well
Your (Second) Most Powerful Business Marketing Strategy?
Regardless of what niche you are in, there is no doubt that building a list of prospects and customers who know you, like you and trust you is your most powerful business marketing strategy. So what's the second most powerful business marketing … [Continue reading] about Your (Second) Most Powerful Business Marketing Strategy?
Can Virtual Big Gulps Line Your Pockets??
We've all seen the mega launches of super expensive products that boast about how heavy the packing box is. “You Get 32 CD's, 22 DVD's and 3 Big Manuals of 250 Pages Each! This package weighs a whopping 15 pounds, delivered to your door!” As … [Continue reading] about Can Virtual Big Gulps Line Your Pockets??